For General Information: (740) 374-1400

24 Hour Nurse Line: (844) 474-6522

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Memorial Health Foundation
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Community HealthLine Magazine

Community HealthLine is Memorial Health System’s quarterly magazine that is published as a free service to our community. Every issue covers upcoming events, a word from our CEO, and systemwide updates. You can also find out more about our new providers, the latest healthcare technology, and treatments we offer. Community HealthLine is one of the ways we provide our area helpful information as the preferred provider in the Mid-Ohio Valley.

Material provided in Community HealthLine is obtained from a wide range of medical sources and health care authorities. Its use is not intended as a substitute for consultation with a physician or trained medical professional regarding symptoms or care. If you are concerned about items that appear in Community HealthLine, please contact your personal provider. To unsubscribe from our mailing list, please contact Memorial Health System at (740) 374-1634.

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