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Memorial Health Foundation
Patient and Visitors


Sponsorship Guidelines

Every year, Memorial Health System receives many requests for support from various community groups and organizations. With this, the health system is challenged with how to balance the measure of what we already contribute to the local community as a not-for-profit healthcare provider. 

Our budget for contributions is limited. Whether a request is for a cash donation, support for a local program, or other opportunities, we will do our best to match our limited discretionary funds with community needs.


Sponsorship Considerations will be given to the following (but not limited to):

  • Community events such as walks, runs, auctions, golf outings, etc.
  • Community service/development organizations
  • Cultural programs/events
  • Donations
  • Event participation or contribution
  • Fundraising dinners
  • Internal & external requests
  • Logo items/giveaways
  • Medical equipment (*see explanation below)
  • School fundraisers

*Memorial Health System occasionally donates equipment or other materials to not-for-profit organizations and entities. These donations are usually limited to situations where system surplus or discard is matched with the identified needs of an organization.

Contributions also may include staff time, meeting space, and other non-financial resources for projects and activities that support our giving priorities.

General Criteria

  • Sponsorships for national organizations must be centered on a local or regional event
  • Policy action or legislative advocacy groups, endowment funds, multiple-year pledge campaigns, and annual fund drives will not be considered through this fund
  • We will not fund religious, fraternal, political, or labor organizations, this also includes individuals or individual endeavors
  • Requests must provide direct health-related or community benefits
  • External agencies and organizations requesting the use of the property must show proof of liability insurance
  • Memorial Health System will not grant annual, automatic contributions to any organizations; annual requests must be resubmitted

Note: Sponsorship is not advertising.

Priority will be Given To:

  • Not-for-profit organizations
  • Activities that specifically support our mission to improve the health and well-being of our community and our strategic goals
  • Fundraising events for organizations that have close relationships with Memorial Health System’s clinical programs, specifically its main service lines such as oncology, cardiac, rehabilitation, etc.
  • Requests that provide positive public awareness of our health system’s services
  • Activities that address key population health improvement initiatives in the areas we serve
  • Activities that promote public awareness in the areas we serve
  • Activities of not-for-profit organizations that promote economic development within our region
  • Schools and neighborhood organizations that are in geographic proximity to our facilities

How to Apply

  • Please complete the online sponsorship application.
  • If a physical form needs to be mailed to you, call (740) 374-1634 to request a hard copy. Requests should be returned to Memorial Health System, Marketing Office at 406 Colegate Drive, Marietta, Ohio 45750.

Submissions are received and evaluated on an ongoing basis. Decisions are based on consistency with the Memorial Health System’s community benefit plan and funding availability.

Due to the overwhelming amount of requests received each year, our team will only respond to requests that are approved. If you have not received a response within 30 days from the date of your submission, the request was not approved.

Due to the availability of funds, requests may be denied even if they fit the criteria.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jennifer Offenberger, Associate Vice President, Service Excellence, at (740) 374-1797 or Alexis Fazio, Marketing Director at (740) 376-1972.

All funding requests will be submitted to the sponsorship committee for consideration. All decisions made by the committee are final.

This process is in place to ensure that all applications are evaluated equally and fulfill our mission, vision, values, and strategic initiatives.

Sponsorship Application

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