Contact Us
Marietta Memorial Hospital 401 Matthew Street Marietta, Ohio (740) 374-1400 |
Selby General Hospital 1106 Colegate Drive Marietta, Ohio (740) 568-2000 |
Sistersville General Hospital 314 South Wells Street Sistersville, West Virginia (304) 652-2611 |
To contact individual departments, visit the Services page of our site.
Your comments are important to us. Tell us what we did right. Tell us what we can improve. We will be happy to respond to questions or concerns. Please keep in mind that responses may be limited due to patient confidentiality.
If you have any questions or concerns about patient care, safety in the hospital, or charges, we encourage you to contact Marietta Memorial Hospital’s Service Improvement Coordinator at (740) 374-1541 or Selby General Hospital’s Service Improvement Coordinator at (740) 374-3072. As part of our management team, our service improvement coordinators will work with you to help resolve your concerns.
If your concerns cannot be resolved through the hospital, you may contact the Ohio Department of Health at 1 (800) 342-0553 or at PCSU – 2nd Floor, 246 North High Street, P.O. Box 118, Columbus, Ohio 43216-0881.
Request a Representative from Memorial Health System at your Event
To schedule someone to speak at your event, please fill out the form on our Speakers Bureau page.
Financial Assistance
You can contact someone about financial assistance by email at:
Billing Assistance
You can contact someone about billing questions by email at:
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