For General Information: (740) 374-1400

24 Hour Nurse Line: (844) 474-6522

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About Us
Memorial Health Foundation
Patient and Visitors


Classes and Events

Free Community Health Screening

Frontier Shopping Center 148 Gross Street, Suite A, Marietta, Ohio

Have your blood sugar, blood pressure, and weight checked for free.  Every Friday | 8:30 - 10: 30 a.m. | Walk-ins Welcome

Mobile MedCheck

John Dodge Senior Center

Free community health screenings including blood sugar, blood pressure, and weight checks. Location(s):  John Dodge Senior Center Beverly, Ohio  Every second Thursday of the month | 9 a.m. – Noon Lower Salem Village Hall Every fourth Tuesday of the month | 9 a.m. – Noon

Free Community Health Screening

Frontier Shopping Center 148 Gross Street, Suite A, Marietta, Ohio

Have your blood sugar, blood pressure, and weight checked for free.  Every Friday | 8:30 - 10: 30 a.m. | Walk-ins Welcome

Free Community Health Screening

Frontier Shopping Center 148 Gross Street, Suite A, Marietta, Ohio

Have your blood sugar, blood pressure, and weight checked for free.  Every Friday | 8:30 - 10: 30 a.m. | Walk-ins Welcome

Free Community Health Screening

Frontier Shopping Center 148 Gross Street, Suite A, Marietta, Ohio

Have your blood sugar, blood pressure, and weight checked for free.  Every Friday | 8:30 - 10: 30 a.m. | Walk-ins Welcome

Reduced Cost Lab Screening

330 East Eighth Street 330 East Eighth Street, Marietta, OH, United States

Join us on Saturday, October 5th at the Wayne Street Medical Campus for our semi-annual reduced-cost lab screening. Appointments are available from 7 - 11 a.m., and registration is required.  Costs:  $45 for women; includes the multiphasic* and A1C screenings. $55 for men; includes the multiphasic and A1C, as well as PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen). […]