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Anxiety: A cause of high blood pressure?

March, 7th, 2024


Can anxiety cause high blood pressure?


Anxiety can cause dramatic, temporary increases in blood pressure.


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High blood pressure is called hypertension. Anxiety doesn’t cause long-term high blood pressure. But bouts of anxiety can trigger temporary rises in blood pressure.

Temporary rises in blood pressure that happen often, such as every day, can damage the blood vessels, heart and kidneys. This is the same type of damage seen in people with long-term hypertension.

Also, people who are anxious or stressed are more likely to do things that can raise blood pressure, such as:

  • Smoke.
  • Drink alcohol.
  • Overeat.

Some medicines that treat anxiety and other mental health conditions can raise blood pressure. These medicines include serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs).

If anxiety is difficult to control or if it makes daily activities hard to do, talk to your healthcare team. A mental health professional can help you find the best treatment.

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