Physicians Care Express (Marietta)
NOTICE: To sign in for a patient visit you may register by entering the lobby or returning to your car and calling (740) 373-3960.
NOTICE: Both of our Physicians Care Expresses are closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day
Because life happens … days, evenings, and weekends. You’ve got daredevils, sniffly, itchy, and clumsy ones. We’ve got the doctor’s office for their express care needs. Walk-in care with the same co-pay as your family doctor’s office.
Open daily 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. in Marietta and Belpre.
If you think you are having a medical emergency, call 911 immediately.
Below is a general list of ailments that can be treated at Physicians Care Express.
- Allergic reactions
- Asthma attacks
- Breaks
- Bronchitis, pneumonia
- Burns
- Colds
- Cuts
- Flu
- General illness and injury
- Muscle strains
- Sprains
- Viral illness
- Ear irrigation
- Physicals
- Removal of stitches
- Respiratory (nebulizer) treatments (on hold due to COVID-19)
Visit Us
Physicians Care Express
- 800 Pike Street, Suite 2
Marietta, Ohio - Get Directions