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Doing The Impossible

Meet Matt Hill, a cancer survivor and "Thrivor" - someone who not only is a cancer survivor but thrives in spite of their cancer diagnosis.

Spring 2024

What it Means to ‘Be Impossible’.

“You have cancer.” I will never forget the moment a doctor looked me in the eyes and told me those three words. I was 18 years old, a senior in high school; my world stopped. In the span of a few minutes, I heard him say I would receive an amputation of my right leg, nine months of intensive chemotherapy, and I would have to put the dreams I had for my life on hold.

Nothing prepares you for this. To be a child facing a cancer diagnosis was not in my plan, it never is. Yet, despite the pain and suffering and impossible challenges I would battle over the coming year, what I was least prepared for was my front-row seat to witness the very best of humanity. From the start of this journey, I was blessed to have the support of an incredibly strong family, team, and community behind me. I realized I could use this tragic diagnosis as a unique opportunity to bring strength to not only myself, but those around me. We could take this seemingly impossible challenge and build ourselves into people who can overcome it.

We could ‘Be Impossible’ ourselves; and at my high school graduation that year, I first spoke the words that would become my life’s mission.

That year, though nearly fatal, changed my life. It showed me that we all have potential far greater than we would ever allow ourselves to believe. It demonstrated to me the boundless generosity of the human heart and the unrelenting strength of the human spirit. Now, 10 years later, I am honored to serve as an Oncology Pharmacist for Memorial Health System, where I work alongside many who provided care to me in my darkest times. It has allowed me the opportunity to give back, serving those battling the very same tragic diagnosis.

In October 2022, I announced my intention to run the full Columbus Marathon in 2023, raising $26,200 for Childhood Cancer Research along the way. I was once again facing the impossible. However, this time, it was to show kids fighting cancer today that there is life after cancer. They can go on to find their passion and purpose in life, chase their dreams, and ‘Be Impossible’; just as I have been honored to do. Once again, I didn’t know what to expect from this journey, and once again, this incredible community demonstrated to me the very best of humanity. Countless individuals reached out in support, gave donations, and helped spread our message. In total, this community raised over $32,000 for kids fighting cancer, and it will stay right here in Ohio to help kids in our community.

On October 15th, 2023, I toed the line with 20 other athletes who had joined Team Impossible to run the Columbus Marathon, and it was truly one of the greatest honors of my life. Every step of that race was a victory. This journey was far beyond anything I could have dreamed. Together, we gave hope to those who had none, and that is the greatest gift one can give. Team Impossible continues to work every day to ‘Be Impossible’ in the face of the impossible, so we may ultimately do the impossible…for kids!

“When Faced with The Impossible, Be Impossible, and you will certainly Do the Impossible.”

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