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Memorial Health Foundation’s First Giving Tuesday Raises Over $190,000

Memorial Health Foundation (MHF) held its first Giving Tuesday campaign on Tuesday, November 30th. Giving Tuesday is a global movement created to give people the opportunity to do good. MHF set a lofty initial goal of raising $100,000, and by late afternoon the goal had been surpassed and extended to $150,000 from 250 donors in just one day. The foundation states that they are very are grateful to the 253 community members and Memorial Health System team members who helped us raise over $196,029.79, nearly doubling our initial goal.

The Foundation greatly appreciates the support of three local businesses who challenged our community to make a gift on Giving Tuesday. Morrison Inc. kicked off our momentum with a matching donation of $25,000. David Haas, President of Morrison Inc. and Board Chairperson for Memorial Health Foundation said, “We at Morrison are pleased to have served the Mid-Ohio Valley for 60 years. As a local company, we value our community health care. Memorial Health System has offered world-class health care, right here at home since the 1920s.”

Following Morrison’s match, which was met by noon, Peoples Bank Foundation offered a $15,000 gift if, by midnight, 250 donors had made gifts. “Peoples Bank is proud to support the healthcare providers of our community. It’s even more rewarding when others join the cause and collectively, we are able to touch more lives in our region through our act of giving,” said President and CEO of Peoples Bank, Chuck Sulerzyski.

After meeting the $100,000 goal by late afternoon, Pioneer Pipe and the Pioneer Group was inspired to offer a matching donation of $20,000 if $130,000 was raised by midnight

The community had the opportunity to support any of 22 patient funds they are most passionate about. These funds include:

  • Cancer Center Patient Emergency Fund, which provides necessary medication to patients, transportation to appointments, and a free wig when a patient experiences hair loss to maintain the patient’s quality of life and continuity of care.
  • Pediatric Therapy, which helps children throughout the region develop, improve, or regain communication skills, daily life skills, and motor functions.
  • Diabetes Education, which provides educational support to adults and children living with diabetes through a patient centered program to help them better understand and cope with their disease.
  • Patient Centered Caring, providing medical necessities to patients in need who are not staying in the hospital, but are being seen in the physician clinics.

The funds that received the greatest support on Giving Tuesday were:

  • ICU Renovation Project, which will provide the next level of specialized care to our most critically ill patients in a soothing environment. This expansion will increase our ICU from 11 to 20 all-private rooms, plus two semi-private waiting areas for loved ones.
  • Area of Greatest Need, which allows Memorial Health Foundation to assess and support the patients’ greatest needs as they arise.