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Memorial Health System Hosts Women’s Luncheon for Heart Month

Memorial Health System (MHS) kicked off its Heart Awareness Month celebrations on Friday, February 9th by bringing back its annual Heart Month Luncheon for women in the community.

This free event, made possible by generous sponsorships from Memorial Health Foundation and Jill Deming and Sandy Hyde in memory of their mother, Ramona M. McConkey, was attended by around 100 community members and donors who enjoyed an afternoon filled with food, fellowship, and education. The luncheon’s key features included a heart-healthy spread catered by Memorial Health System’s Belpre Medical Campus restaurant, The Changed Plate, a fun photo-op area for interested attendees, and a chance to hear from expert providers on the topic of women’s heart health.

The luncheon’s keynote speaker, cardiologist Jennifer Jones, MD, started off the educational side of the event by sharing tips and tricks that can be implemented into an individual’s everyday routine to improve their cardiovascular health, emphasizing on how women can make these small, but impactful, changes. Dr. Jones then joined a panel discussion with other MHS providers to answer audience-led questions on heart health and healthy living. These providers included cardiologist Jagdesh Kandala, MD, MPH, FACC, cardiothoracic surgeon Geoffrey R. Cousins, MD, FACS, and lifestyle medicine provider Daniele Fuhrich, MD.


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