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Memorial Health System strives for quick and transparent distribution of COVID-19 vaccines

As COVID-19 vaccinations slowly but steadily become available, Memorial Health System will continue to follow the vaccine distribution guidelines as put forth by the Ohio State Government. We understand and appreciate the importance of this vaccine and its distribution. We wish to keep our community updated as well as we can.

The guidelines are intended to prioritize vaccination efforts for those in our community who are the most at-risk, beginning with people 80 years of age or older and gradually moving down based on age and ongoing health conditions that may complicate a COVID-19 infection.

Due to the high demand of the vaccine, the shipments we receive are unfortunately unpredictable, but we do expect a minimum number of vaccines each week. As we receive these doses, we will update our distribution plan and share our process every step of the way. Each Monday, we will post new information about the vaccination clinics available that week on our Facebook page and on our website at We believe that, although the flow of vaccine doses is not moving as quickly as we would all like, this is still a time of incredible optimism. We will strive to distribute as many doses as possible within our community. Already, our clinics this week have made over 400 appointments for at-risk patients who desire the vaccine.

We have implemented a wait list at, where you can complete a form to be added to a waiting list for the vaccine. As time slots open, our staff will call qualified individuals to set their appointment. This is the easiest way to sign up for a vaccine. We will set appointments with those on the list based on availability and the distribution guidelines, so it isn’t incumbent on our patients to watch for clinic availability. These clinics are available to residents of both Ohio and West Virginia.

We ask you to join us for this historic moment as we play our small roles in the distribution of these vaccines. Together, we can see a post-COVID-19 world.